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Willhoit Auto Restoration is located at:

1360 Gladys Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90804

Tel. (562) 439-3333
Fax (562) 439-3956

CELL (714) 356-1735 John Willhoit
CELL (714) 356-4250 Michael - Parts

Hours: Monday - Friday. 9:00 - 5:00, Saturday by appointment.

Email to: john@willhoitautorestoration.com


Take the 405 fwy south to the South Cherry Avenue exit. Once you're on Cherry Avenue, head south for about 1.75 miles, then turn left onto Anaheim St. Continue down Anaheim St. for roughly 1 mile, then turn left onto Gladys Ave (Gladys is the first street after Temple which has a signal). In about 100 yards you'll see two gray buildings with a large gated yard on the right, that's us.


Take the 405 fwy north to the Seventh Street/22 West exit. Continue to Pacific Coast Hwy and turn right. In about 1/2 mile turn left onto Anaheim St. Continue down Anaheim St. for roughly 1.5 miles, then turn right onto Gladys Ave (Gladys is the last street before Temple which has a signal). In about 100 yards you'll see two gray buildings with a large gated yard on the right, that's us.