Willhoit Auto Restoration is located at:

1360 Gladys Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90804

Tel. (562) 439-3333
Fax (562) 439-3956

Hours: Monday - Friday. 9:00 - 5:00, Saturday by appointment.

Email to: Willhoit Auto Restoration


Take the 405 Fwy south to Cherry Ave/Spring Street;  at the end of the off ramp turn left on Spring Street; at the first signal turn right on Temple Street;  follow Temple about 2 miles (it changes names twice) past Pacific Coast Hwy to the next major signal which is Anaheim St.;  turn right to the 2nd street which is Gladys Avenue; turn right 100 yds. to 1360 Gladys (on the right - pale green warehouse with a big black sign).


Take the 405 fwy north to the 7th Street off ramp (it’s a long off ramp that will become 7th Street); follow it about 1.5 miles to Pacific Coast Highway; turn right about .5 miles to Anaheim St; turn left 1.5 miles to Gladys Ave (Gladys is the last street before Temple, which has a signal); turn right 100 yds to 1360 and 1364 Gladys (on the right – look for two gray buildings with a large gated yard).